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Rediscover yourself.

Life and Business Coaching

Sound Healing

Reiki Energy Healing

My Offerings

About me

Hi I'm Paula. I'm a deeply curious human, a leader, mentor, guide, teacher, and space holder.


I am drawn to love, connection and community, to the goodness in people, to laughter, to people who live consciously and from their heart, and to creators of art, music, and beautiful things. Oh, and anything hippy-ish. ;)


I am inspired by nature and its profound ability to ground me. What also inspires me are people who live according to their own rules and from their heart, people who build their lives based on what they want rather than what they ‘should do’ or what others expect of them, people who have good energy, who have a deep peace within them, and who are inspired by helping others without needing something in return.


Scared As F*ck And Doing It Anyway, Showing Up Authentically! - Podcast

I have a podcast all about authenticity, overcoming the stories we tell ourselves, shedding the conditioning that tells us we are selfish for putting ourselves first, and living our lives for us! It’s a permission slip to stop doing what we “should do” and do what feels right for us. It’s about setting down the shit we’re carrying for everyone else living in our own unique way. It’s your weekly dose of empowerment and inspiration to muster the courage to show up as yourself, for yourself, because when we rise, everyone around us rises too.


There are two places you need to go often.

1. The place that heals you.
2. The place that inspires you.



What Life Coaching Clients Say

Before I started working with Paula, I struggled with big changes in life and business. I was sure I wanted to take the leap but unsure how to execute and take care of myself at the same time. In the process, I learned I was having panic attacks I thought were heart issues. Learning this with the help of Paula changed that in my life and I no longer have to deal with them. Charting a course for success using the coaching tools from Paula has increased my ability to accept the challenges that come and create the outcome I choose. There is strength in finding my authentic self and presenting that gives me the best results in all situations. Paula knows how to bring the strength to you, for you and your greater good. I recommend her coaching for all scenarios in life. Thank you Paula!
- Michele H.

Get in touch

12411 Pioneer Road, Hopkins, MN 55343


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